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Welcome to TVOS



Organized in 1973, the Tennessee Viticultural and Oenological Society (TVOS) is a group of private citizens who have come together with the expressed purpose of:

(1) Conducting and promoting the study of the art and science of grape growing (viticulture) and winemaking (oenology).

(2) Disseminating information concerning these subjects to interested parties.

(3) Fostering conditions which will encourage grape growing and the wine industry in the state of Tennessee.

Currently, there are about 200 members from all areas of Tennessee and neighboring states. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in grape growing or winemaking: from the "backyard" grower with just a few vines, to the wine industry professional. Membership dues are $35 per year (click "Membership" for a printable application or pay by PayPal). TVOS currently has annual meeting every February, and a Summer Fun Day each June or July.

If you have grape or wine questions, comments,
items for sale, want to buy or trade,
check out the Message Board.
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