Grapes & Winemaking in Tennessee
During the late 1800's, vineyards were fluorishing in Tennessee, mostly in areas that were believed to be unsuitable for other agricultural uses. At the time, it appeared that grape growing would become one of Tennessee's most important cash crops. However, Prohibition all but ended this promise in 1919. It is just within the last quarter of this century that grape growing (and winemaking) has seen a remarkable recovery.
In 1973, seven individuals interested in viticulture and oenology gathered around a kitchen table in Clarksville and organized TVOS. From this small beginning TVOS membership has grown by leaps and bounds and includes bot amateur and commerical grape growers and winemakers.
By 1982, several commercial wineries had been licensed across the state and those members of TVOS saw the need to establish an organization for commercial growers and wineries. Soon after, the Tennessee Farm Winegrowers Association (TFWA) was organized to encourage and support this new agri-business in Tennessee. We now have more than thirty wineries in the state.
Now the two organizations work together to coordinate and advance the efforts of all Tennessee grape interests, including promotion, information, and legislature. In 1985, TVOS and TFWA jointly sponsored a bill in the state legislature which ultimately created the Viticulture Advisery Board (VAB). Its nine members are appointed by the governor to advise and report on the potential and proper direction for the growth of the Tennessee grape and wine industry. TVOS amd TFWA each have a representative on this important board.
In 1988, TVOS granted $4,000.00 to the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture for a multifaced proposal addressing grape production, winemaking and wine appreciation as follows: a study was made that reported Grape Root Borer Distribution in Tennessee; a video and printed material was made about Winemaking and Analysis; a video and printed material was made about Wine Appreciation.
In 2009, TVOS made a $3,000.00 donation to TFWA to help fray the legal cost incurred to help pass the Rescue Bill.
If you have grape or wine questions, comments, items for sale, want to buy or trade, check out the Message Board. This could be a very useful tool for all of us.
This website is for the professional, the amateur, or the curious first time winemaker.
If you are interested in becoming a member of TVOS, click HERE for a printable application or pay by PayPal.